
Nobody Won

Biden could've won, but he didn't. Palin could've studied more than just energy for the debate, but she didn't. There really aren't any clips from either that you could take from the debate and say, 'ooh!' Palin amused me a bit with some of her linguistic tail-chasing, but she didn't look like Palin did in the Couric interview. She looked alright when she wasn't overtly sidestepping questions to talk about energy. I like Palin a little bit, politics and pay for your own rape kit aside, but we had the cool president for 8 years now and it put the country in a ditch.

McCain has taken the sink throwing strategy that Clinton used and ramped it up. It's left McCain looking even more old and bitter when he addresses the press. Every couple of days his message changes, as do his positions. I watched a rerun of the debate that had some focus group split by gender with the little dial things in their hands emotionally reacting in real time with the debate. I turned it off as soon as both men and women turned Palin down to near zero when she did one of her question dodge moves to talk about energy. People seeing past b.s. and judging people accordingly helps me go to sleep at night.