
Can The Obama Camp Stop Saying the Word 'Erratic'?

They are starting to sound like the Fox news channel. Please find another word. The talking heads that go channel to channel are finally being told by the hosts to stop it. Now pundits are talking about GM on the verge of bankruptcy. on MSNBC. America is bankrupt. I'm bankrupt. You're bankrupt. We're all bankrupt. McCain is trying to make his campaign into a culture war by talking about Bill Ayers. It might bump him for a day or two, but it's going to fail because people want to hear about how he's going to govern. He needs to catch Obama stealing from an individual or some smoking gun like that. Not going to happen. Obama has won, but he needs to keep sounding "new to us voters. Saturday, I'm going to see what it's like to walk up to people's door and say, "Hey! Make sure you vote!" to strangers in my neighborhood. I'm trying not to think of it so I don't chicken out on it. I'll post about how it goes.

Just remember, the fundamentals of the economy are strong. Yup. It just makes me think of the repeated line by characters in airplane, "I just want you to know, we're all counting on you.".