
Howling Wolf

YouTube search led me to a bunch of videos making me realize that I'd seen her as a talking head before. I guess a lot of younger adults like her views. I don't agree with everything she says because she's a bit extreme, particularly on the issues of sexual harrassment and abortion.

What I do agree with and find exciting is her latest book, The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot
I rant on and on about America turning fascist without much more than pointing at how dominant consumerism is in America and how much influence corporations/big business has on government. Little did I know there's lots of people that agree that America has morphed into a crazy government that uses fear and intimidation to control the populace. I think Wolf goes a little overboard in personal appearances in portraying herself as a victim, but the bigger point is true. Oh yeah, her fascist list is a bit thin and her simile of Bush/Cheney administrations to Hitler/Mussolini/Stalin seem a bit stretched at times. There are bad guys and then there are bad guys. We aren't going to know the full extent of how bad Bush/Cheney are until they are out of office and the new administration chooses to share the terror watch lists and the procedures in place for our 'security'. I hope they go to jail or whatever after they leave office, but that's just not the way the world works because the world isn't all that fair. As I write, Bernanke and a bunch of CEOs are testifying about how nothing is their fault. Screw them. Screw them all. Pretty soon the government will start to talking about financial terrorism.

My text has ceased to make sense to an audience of anyone but myself, so just go watch a few videos and make up your own mind. You probably knew of her before I realized she was hiding in plain sight.