
I Guess I Could Be Even More Annoyed

After a bit of sports reading, I go and update myself on CNN and see a new headline about our government keeping people in wooden crates with dimensions of 3x3x6. And George W. Bush has the moral high ground to talk down to the Chinese government about his "deep concerns" for China's human rights record how? Anyways I'm going to juxtapose the high value detainees-in-a-box story with his quotes to the Chinese government...

"America stands in firm opposition to China's detention of political dissidents, human rights advocates and religious activists,"

But we're all for terrorists in cages and boxes--it's humane, extraordinary renditions to third party countries--we don't believe they'd be tortured there, water-boarding/enhanced interrogation techniques on high value detainees--but not torturing (that seems to me to be the new political version of 'I didn't inhale); oh and by the way, can you sell us more of those electronics and clothing made with child and prison labor? We'd also like it if you make sure our citizens can travel to your country to buy livers and kidneys from the thousands of political dissidents, human rights advocates, and religious activists you shot en masse then harvested their organs? No, we still don't wanna buy any brains so you can keep shooting them in the head. Thanks.

"We speak out for a free press, freedom of assembly, and labor rights -- not to antagonize China's leaders, but because trusting its people with greater freedom is the only way for China to develop its full potential," he said. "And we press for openness and justice not to impose our beliefs, but to allow the Chinese people to express theirs."

And the Bush administration also feeds talking point propaganda and disinformation to that free press. The administration is even nice enough to pay old cronies that were too corrupt to not be fired and retired military to be talking heads on network and cable news programs. That's freer than free. Our government sends in agents to pose as demonstrators amongst true demonstrators and purposely start violence so that the police can beat down the protestors and end the demonstration. Labor laws and the rights to organize have been so eroded that walmart employees have to sit and watch videos on how bad and against their own interest organizing would be. If that's not enough, Walmart closes the store and fires everyone. Yep, we've realized the democratic freedoms outlined in the constitution and the bill of rights.

Yeah. Uh-huh. Let freedom Gong.