
Judgment Day

Insert dramatic 'Terminator' music here. Today is the day finally! I didn't post anything for a while in part because I've been a bit more busy than usual and that the campaign coverage was lame and overly analytic because there was no news. A work colleague of Puck came to work dressed up as Tina Fey dressed up as Sarah Palin. We came upon her in the parking lot as I was dropping Puck off and we honked at her. She was really into it and only talked to us in character hehe.

Back to politics. I was wrong on most of my predictions. That's a good thing because I was pretty paranoid. There were no October surprises! Only a few pathetic videos and associations drudged up that didn't get any traction. I was totally wrong. I was also wrong on McCain dumping Palin, and it hurt him in the polls apparently. Speaking of polls, I went to fivethirtyeight.com yesterday. I knew of it because I follow baseball and Nate Silver is one of the leading sabermetric guys (inventor of Pecota projection system), but I never took the time. I guess it's because I only followed political goings on via television and cnn.com, so I didn't search out politics on the net so much. Well this election changed that a tad.

This is the kind of convergence of politics and baseball that I lusted after with my blogger hat on, but now that I have it sitting in front of me it bores me. Go figure. Anyways, the blog is well put together and there is more information than anyone could ever ask for there. I'm sure Biz has it on his reading list already. Wish I'd been more curious. I like the pie chart showing McCain's statistical chance of winning at 1.9%. It makes me smile. The most entertaining chart to me is the scenario run-downs. Anyways, go vote if you haven't already and bribe/bargain/whatever you have to do to coerce Go-Go to go-vote. Promise to watch mtv or the oxygen channel with her for an entire week. I got Puck to talk to strangers (barely) so anything is possible.


Bizut said...

The Go voted! She cast a provisional ballot for president and still isn't registered, but it's a start.

I want this to be over so badly.

tad swifty said...

yeah. I made a wind bag response to your email after I posted this to the blog. Shoulda checked my mail before I blogged.

Yeah, I hear ya. I'm kinda jonesing for nicotine because of how tense this is.

Bizut said...

Wow. We did it.

It's been a long 8 years. I'm tired of being angry.

And it's funny to see a majority of the country is "anti-American." :-)