

Yahoo! I was not going to post today. I was hoping to surprise my better half once she walks through the door with a little trip over to Cashman field to perhaps see the last gasps of his campaign appearance there. Then while I was googling some news (I was entering unsavory variants of Palin's name into the google to see what would come out and lo and behold, Palin's yahoo email got hacked! Then after the initial excitement cooled I got a bit pissed at the people that hacked her bungled it in their excitement. I'm holding out hope that they are dis-informing a bit...but that's hard to swallow. More upsetting is what they have released so far is just stuff that makes her look like a normal, albeit a bit unwise politician using a crappy web based email account for work purposes.

The campaign will probably figure out a way to label the hackers as sexist...

Anyways, the pictures are over here. It's probably going to be a bit busy over there at wikileaks for a while, though.