
Hillary Is Annoying Again

Dang the Clinton's suck butt. Can you imagine Hillary as a character actress? She just can't help but upstage and distract. She's like the fifth outfielder on a baseball team that constantly carps at the media that he needs to be starting on this team or traded. Sometimes you have to be a team player and do best in the role that you're given in life, not the one you wish you had.

If HIllary is so insincere in her support for Senator Obama that she instructs "her" supporters how to divide the upcoming convention by putting her name on the convention ballot, and putting out yet another statement about taking "her" delegates and lording them over Obama so that "her" delegates are respected, blah, blah, blah...and carping yet more about how Obama hasn't done enough to do more to retire "her" debt. I hope she's already eclipsed by whomever Obama chooses to be V.P. by the time Obama's second term comes to an end in 2016.

Which begs the question, what the heck does Hillary Clinton still want, and what else can Obama be expected to do so that "her" people that voted for her can feel respected to Hillary Clinton's satisfaction.

People are only physically capable of bending backwards so far. She needs to nag her husband for respect instead of Obama. She also needs to whore herself out giving speeches in foreign countries and pulling corrupt political strings instead of publicly shaking down Obama in the middle of "his" run for the president of the United States.

I can't believe this stuff is happening again. It annoys me to no end short of people still dying in Iraq needlessly and Bush being in office.