
October Surprise May Come Early

So I'm watching msnbc and seeing general Patreyu (Atreyu from the Neverending Story's father) make up a new word--well I guess it's more of a new phrase to replace a word that the administration has attached such negative connotation to that they can't use it now that so they're now going to...gasp!...withdraw...

That new phrase is..."time horizons".

So after some more negotiations regarding "stuff" that they aren't really talking about they can say that the u.s. and iraq governments can agree on some "time horizons" and "aspirations" making sure to express that all the generals on the ground that wish to keep their jobs agree with the desired presidential version of reality on the ground.

We are winning. And oh geez, look how Afghanistan is slipping and there should probably be some more troops there. What a coincidence. Now you have McCain crowing I told you so and how he'd rather lose on an issue than a war...which begs the question, how is Iraq any different besides the Iraqi prime minister repeatedly telling the United States to get the hell out? Oh yeah, we'd have to be down on the ground and talking to generals to know that despite satellites and high speed internet.

I'm going to guess that the next set of talking points is when the troops do come home is that the hard lessons learned in Iraq can be applied over in Afghanistan.