
John McCain is a Warmongering Windbag

So I'm watching the news this morning and McCain is delivering a speech.  It makes sense for McCain to give speeches in which he acts all presidential and how he'd do things.  Giving speeches is not one of McCain's strongpoints.  He was extremely boring.  It was boring mostly because most of what he said Bush has already said before about terrorists and how our way of life is despised and the bad guys will never stop until they've blown up some Americans.  Give me a break.  I've already listened to that for the last 6 or 7 years.  In addition, his delivery seemed forced, as if he were an actor portraying an American President.  He just didn't look confident or comfortable.  This speech was touted as McCain's important foreign policy speech, but in the end, all the news networks gave up on his speech and switched to other stuff with the slight exception of Fox, but even they cut out of the speech for a little while and picked it back up as the windbag was wrapping it up.  MSNBC and CNN gave up on him and just used sound bites after he was done.  I hope McCain wasn't thinking he was going to make a speech that was notable or historic in nature a la Obama puts the smackdown on U.S. race relations, because nobody will remember McCain's speech a week from now because he said nothing important. 

As much as the democrats are hurting themselves (really it's not all that much, but Republicans have to point at it so nobody will pay attention to the fact that their nominee wants to continue the war, and most importantly

Doesn't have a definition of 'win' for the war!).

I just don't understand the concept of fighting a war with no definition of what victory means.  Instead, McCain and Bush continue to assert how horrific "defeat" will be.  They do have a definition of defeat which is withdrawing troops from Iraq without having "won" the war.  I'm not going any further with that faulty logic.  The war has been so costly with no tangible benefit to the american people that I cannot see the majority of the american people voting for someone that wishes to continue investing in the death and destruction of a foreign country without clearly articulating what victory means and some reasonable timeline for when victory can be achieved.  It's going to be an even more bizzaro world if McCain is somehow elected.

It bugs me that just because the 'surge' calmed down 'some' of the violence in Iraq, that this progress is touted as "we're winning, I told you so!".